Children Dentistry
in Liskeard

The Smile Centre

As dental professionals we believe in preventative dental care and encourage our patients to bring their children to the practice from an early age. Regular check-ups from a young age will ensure children don't suffer from untreated dental decay with devastating effects to their growing dentition. There are a number of preventative treatments that our team can provide for children:

  1. Fluoride applications are a safe and effective way to safeguard your child's growing teeth from developing decay. The fluoride is painted onto the surface of the teeth, helping to mineralise them.
  2. Tooth-coloured fissure sealants are applied to the biting surfaces of children's teeth to prevent decay.
  3. Studies have shown that the younger your child is when attending their first dental appointment, even if just for a check-up, the more likely they are to have a positive experience and to grow up unafraid of the dentist. Our team will take special care of your child to make them feel safe and cared for.
  4. Treating a child from a young age also allows the dentist to spot early signs of underbites, cross bites or overbites developing. As with most dental problems, the sooner you can start to treat it, the quicker it can be resolved.

Prevention is always better than cure, so call the practice today to make an appointment for your child.

Life Benefits
  • Healthy teeth and gums for life.
  • Reduced risk of developing tooth decay and reduced need for fillings.
  • No fears or phobias of the dentist.
Family Dentistry in Cornwall

Visiting the dentists at The Smile Centre in Liskeard is a completely different experience for our children to that we had growing up. There is no ‘smell’ of a dental practice. It is a clean, bright and lovely place to be, especially for children who get to play dress ups in our purpose built indoor castle.

Children's Teeth

We encourage you to bring your children from an early age. Children can visit us for free until their fourth birthday so please take advantage of that opportunity, giving them the best possible introduction to a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.

Principal dentist, Dan Smirthwaite, is a young family man so he is passionate about sharing his knowledge with other parents and their children. We have no doubt that your kids will love his approach and feel easy and relaxed during their dental visits. Dan and our team of dental therapists who are trained to treat children, will work with you to instil an awareness of the causes of decay and to teach your children how to employ the best oral hygiene routines to avoid it. Our aim is to give them the tools and awareness they need to enjoy healthy teeth for life.

Children's Teeth

We also provide a specifically tailored dental plan for children called the Sunny Smiles Plan, which we encourage all parents to take advantage of. It extends until your children reaches the ripe old age of 18 representing great value!

It’s important if you have a family to go together, thats why we offer a family experience to make the dentist trip less stressful for everyone, please get in touch to book an appointment or call our dental clinic in Liskeard on 01579 342348.


39 Church Street Liskeard
Cornwall PL14 3AQ


Tel:- 01579 342348

Email Id:-

Opening Hours
Monday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:30 am to 6:00 pm
Thursday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

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